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Pirate History Episodes

Dec. 26, 2022

Stede Bonnet, the Gentleman Pirate

Stede Bonnet lived a life of luxury in Barbados, inheriting from his father an over 400-acre sugarcane plantation, along with 94 slaves. But in late 1716, when he was 29 years old, Bonnet decided to leave behind his plantatio...
Aug. 15, 2022

Anne Bonny & Mary Read, Pirate Queens

During the Golden Age of Pirates, two fierce and ruthless pirates stood apart from the rest, despite their brief careers. The only women in their crew, Anne Bonny and Mary Read were aggressive fighters to the end, refusing to...
Guest: Rebecca Simon
Aug. 23, 2021

Chesapeake Bay Pirates & the 19th Century Oyster Wars

In Chesapeake Bay in the late 19th century, oyster harvesting was a big business. There were so many oyster harvesters harvesting so many oysters that the legislatures of Maryland and Virginia had to start regulating who coul...